Chorus Directors Workshop


To strengthen and develop the skills of the SWD Chorus Directors, in order to foster and develop musicianship in their own chapters.



Chorus directors from the area will participate in a daylong workshop devoted to directing skills and rehearsals techniques. Local singers or chapter members from the host area will act as the lab choir for the directors in order to get a cross section of singers to create the most realistic experience for the directors. 


(Flexible to guest clinician)

Morning Session - Directors have prepared music and get in front of the ensemble to lead a portion of the music, feedback from the clinician and the singers helps guide the director to success and growth not only in their gesture and clarity of gesture, but in their rehearsal techniques and pacing.

Lunch - The directors and clinician participate in a roundtable discussion going over some "hot topics" of the day.

Afternoon Session - Directors continue to work with the lab chorus on additional repertoire, video record their session, and have opportunities for individual feedback and coaching time.

The morning session often includes a discussion between the directors, any assistant directors and the clinician to focus on individual goals they have in their conducting.  The discussion will identify two directing skills that the director would like to target that day. 

CDW is encouraged to be a regular event for directors and assistant directors to attend. After all, our skills continue to grow and we always want to bring our best selves before our ensembles. Using the CDW as an opportunity for growth and refinement can bring you and your ensemble to the next level. Singers in the lab chorus are also challenged in being adaptable and responsive to every conductor that comes in front of them, learning the language and how to communicate with each other most artistically. It is a worthwhile experience to all who are involved.


Chorus Directors Workshops are often held once in the Spring and once in the Fall.