The Southwestern District Fall Convention will bring together quartets and choruses from the five-state area. This epic contest will establish the District's quartet and chorus champions. These contests determine the SWD representatives to the International Convention in Orlando, Florida next summer.
Deadline for Online Registration is October 2nd!
Deadline to RESERVE your hotel room is September 29th!
Events include Quartet Semi-Finals, Chorus Finals, Quartet Finals, Barbershopper's Shop, local vendor booths in the lobby, and a fabulous Saturday Night Show!
Individual tickets for all events can be purchased at the Registration Desk for $25 each.
An interactive program has been provided with links to videos of past competitions as well as more information from our sponsors. We hope you enjoy this special addition for the 2016 Southwester District Fall Convention!
2334 N. International Parkway
Adjacent to Terminal C
Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, TX 75261
Map of location
Many people have achieved more accurate results when they enter the name of the hotel "DFW Hyatt Regency" instead of the hotel's address.