If you have any questions, comments or would like to suggest additional questions, please email dir-cj@swd.org.
Please click the question to see the answer.
Here is the link to the Barberscore FAQ's: https://www.barberscore.com/faq
Answer: We currently have 8 Certified Judges as shown here. Certified judges may judge at any contest. Candidate judges are those who are in the process of becoming a certified judge. This information is also available on the District website at http://www.swd.org/about/contests-judging/swd-judges/. If you have interest in the judging program, please chat with any certified judge or email our District representative for contest and judging at dir‑cj@swd.org.
Answer: There are three links provided below, first is a link to the Contest and Judging Handbook containing the BHS Contest rules. Second is a link to the Collegiate rules and third is a link to the SWD contest rules, which are used in addition to the BHS contest rules. If you are planning to compete, please take time to familiar yourself with the appropriate rules for your chorus or quartet.
Answer: There are two different answers depending on whether you are inquiring about an existing quartet or a new one formed after the SWD has held its International preliminary contest for that year.
In BOTH cases, you may request to compete out of District (OOD), which means you would compete at the International preliminary quartet contest in another District. There are specific rules in order to do so.
For an Existing Quartet:
First, please note you must have arrangements to compete OOD completed 30 days prior to the International Quartet Preliminary contest in either your home District or the one in which you wish to compete, whichever occurs earlier.
Such arrangements require securing permission from the SWD Contest and Judging Representative (dir-cj@swd.org), currently Randy Rensi and the SWD President, (president@swd.org) currently Richard Howell, and both of our counterparts in the District in which you wish to compete. Again, this must be completed 30 days prior to whichever contest occurs first.
A list of contest dates and locations may be found at: http://www.barbershop.org/competitions/upcoming-district-conventions/. For contests not shown on this document, you may consult the BHS master calendar, http://www.barbershop.org/news-events/society-calendar-of-events/
For a New Quartet:
Should you form a new quartet AFTER your home District has already held its International Preliminary contest. You may choose the District in which you wish to compete. Arrangements to compete in that District must be completed 30 days prior to their International Preliminary contest by contacting their District Representative for Contest and Judging (DRCJ). You also need to secure permission from the District President in that District.
A list of contest dates and locations may be found at: http://www.barbershop.org/competitions/upcoming-district-conventions/. For contests not shown on this document, you may consult the BHS master calendar, http://www.barbershop.org/news-events/society-calendar-of-events/
Since your results potentially affect support by the SWD, be sure to advise the SWD DRCJ (dir-cj@swd.org) of your intent to compete out of District and the District President (president@swd.org). They may also be able to help you identify appropriate contacts in the other District.
Answer: If you wish to compete in multiple choruses, you must first be a member of each chorus. This requires dual membership. Your chapter secretary can take care of this for you. Otherwise, the rules on dual membership have changed over the years. Today, in order to compete in multiple choruses, you simply need to be a member in good standing of each chorus prior to the contest. For those of you who recall when BHS required becoming a dual member of each chorus prior to the beginning of the contest cycle, that changed and was eliminated in 2009.
Judges standing by to help keep you in the zone
With a whole new world of social media, modes of communication continue to expand. Our ability to reach out to anyone quickly is becoming easier and easier.
The Contest & Judging (C&J) community recognizes that there are always questions bubbling up about rules concerning contests. To that end, there are a variety of services available to answer your questions vs asking on Facebook about the latest rumor you heard.
The most frequent question is "Is this arrangement contestable?". There are a couple of services available that will help you.
In today's world, there is no reason that you can't get an answer to your question. Don't rely on hearsay or Facebook to make decisions about your questions!
Kevin Keller, Past C&J Chair,kkbari@charter.net
Answer: Contact Headquarters in Nashville or register on the BHS members only website, Please note: allow about 2 weeks for HQ to process your request. Please take this into account if you are close to a contest entry deadline, in which case notify the District Contest and Judging Representative so you do not miss the cut-off date. Contact dir-cj@swd.org, currently Randy Rensi.
Answer: There are two parts to this answer:
A) You may enter any Division or District contests in multiple quartets.
B) International Preliminary contests: An individual may only participate in ONE at each level each year. Said another way, you may participate in only one quartet that is entered in each type of prelims contest in a given year. So you may only compete in ONE quartet in Int’l prelims and only ONE quartet in the Int'l Senior prelims, but not 2 quartets in either Int’l Quartet prelims or Senior prelims. If you have competed in your District prelims, you may NOT compete Out of District in a different International prelims quartet, as you may only compete once per year. You MAY compete in one Int'l prelims quartet and one Int'l Seniors prelims quartet the same year.
The BHS C&J contest rules state:
Competing in Multiple Quartets
In international and international preliminary contests a member may compete with only one quartet, regardless of the number of quartets or districts to which he belongs. However, a member may compete in multiple quartets in any division or district contest in one or more districts.
Answer: Both the Senior International Preliminary contest and District Senior contest are a one round contest, so only two (2) songs are required. However, you may enter as many in excess of two (2) as you desire.
You may enter multiple quartets in the District Senior contest.
You may compete in only one quartet entered in the International Senior preliminary contest per year.
Answer: The BSITH program has officially been discontinued.
If you would like to experience what it is like to be “a judge for a day” contact the SWD President, Exec VP or Director of Contest and Judging and, space permitting, they may be able to make such an opportunity available for you.
Answer: Below are the definitions of both a Senior and Novice Quartet:
Senior Quartet
A Southwestern District Senior Quartet is a Senior Quartet which has chosen the Southwestern District as its home District in accordance with Article I.A. of the BHS Contest Rules (i.e., at least one member of the quartet is a member of a Chapter of the Southwestern District); and
These ages must be attained by the time of the Society Senior Quartet Contest at the following Society Mid-Winter Convention.
Novice Quartet
Southwestern District Rules state:
All Quartet Contests (except the International Preliminary Quartet Contest) shall award a Novice Quartet Champion to the highest-scoring eligible quartet (if any). A Novice Quartet is any quartet with two or more members who have never sung in a quartet contest at that or a higher level, including using the “For Score/Evaluation Only” option. This means:
- Singing in an International Preliminary Quartet Contest is considered, for Novice Quartet eligibility purposes, to have sung at both Division and District levels. This includes Next Generation contests.
- Singing in a contest “For Score/Evaluation Only” is considered to have sung in that level's quartet contest
- Singing in a District Quartet Contest, without having first sung in a Division Quartet Contest (as a substitute, for instance), is considered to have sung at both Division and District levels
Answer: Use this link: http://www.barbershop.org/competitions/contest-entry-process/, then scroll down the page until you find the instructions whether you are entering a Chorus or a Quartet.
Evaluations: All competitors should indicate if they desire an evaluation with the judges.
Songs: Each competitor needs to enter the minimum number of songs required prior to the start of the contest. Choruses are required to enter 2 songs, Quartets need 2 or 4, depending on which contests are entered. All District level quartet Contests (previously known as SubSessions) require 4 songs. However, you may enter as many in excess of the minimum required as you care to enter.
Quartets For specific instructions, click here: https://www.barberscore.com/assets/QuartetEntryTutorial.pdf
Click this link for Barberscore FAQ's: https://www.barberscore.com/faq
Answer: You may compete in any District for which one Quartet member is a member of a Chapter in the District for which you wish to represent. You must notify the Society Contest and Judging office prior to September 1 each year indicating in which District you plan to compete. District selection is binding for the entire year.
Answer: Frank Thorne Members are all assigned to a Frank Thorne Chapter within their District. Thus, you may select from the Frank Thorne chapters which you may represent. You must notify the Society Contest and Judging office prior to September 1 each year indicating in which (Frank Thorne) District you plan to compete. District selection is binding for the entire year.
Answer: Past Senior Champions may not repeat and thus may not compete in the District Senior Quartet contest. All Senior quartets may compete in the Senior International Preliminary contest. The highest scoring Senior quartet competing in the Senior International Preliminary Contest is the SWD representative to the Senior International Contest (and that may not be the SWD Senior Champion for that year). It is possible for other quartets competing in the Senior International Preliminary Quartet to qualify to compete in the Senior International Quartet contest as a wild card.
Answer: Yes, a Youth quartet may enter any contest for which they are eligible. The SWD contest rules provide Youth quartets the opportunity to enter the Youth Quartet contest without holding a convention registration and are not required to be members of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). If a Youth Quartet chooses to enter any other contest, they must meet the eligibility requirements of any Registered BHS quartet.
Answer: Division Chorus Plateau SubSessions and Awards were eliminated in 2014. Several factors entered into this decision.
a. District Chorus Plateau's Champions will duplicate 3 of the Division Chorus Plateau Champions.
b. Division Chorus Champions and Most Improved Chorus awards remain in place.
c. Division Chorus Champions will also duplicate Division Chorus Plateau Champions
d. We anticipate 12-16 choruses will enter the contest. We will have 14 awards without the Division Chorus Plateaus. If a chorus entered every available Plateau, the number of awards would be 26 for the same 12-16 choruses.
e. With the single annual contest format, we are pressed for time to make all of the award presentations special, reducing the number, given the number of duplicates, allows for the other 14 awards to be more special and valuable.
Answer: Contest Rules allow for Evaluations to take place until 1:00AM local time. Often it is necessary they last until then due to the end of contest time. We schedule well in advance to insure evaluations are completed by 1:00AM such that each contestant will have 20 minutes with a scoring judge from each category and that each contestant who desires an evaluation, will receive one. If a late evaluation is a challenge or concern, share that information in the comments section when you enter the contest and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Answer: The judging program accepts applicants every 3 years in the fall of the year. The next opportunity to apply is fall of 2019. If you wish to apply, it is recommended that you review the application requirements in the contest and judging handbook, use this link: http://www.barbershop.org/resources/document-center/contest-and-judging/. Determine the category in which you wish to apply. You will need a letter of recommendation from 2 certified judges in your chosen category as well as 5 other references who can provide an appraisal of your abilities. The completed application is submitted to the SWD Director of Contest and Judging, dir-cj@swd.org.
Answer: Next Generation quartets may enter the International preliminary contest. Should you quality for both the International Quartet contest and the International Next Generation contest, and then choose to compete in both, you will forfeit any/all scholarship/financial assistance you may have received for the International Next Generation contest.
Answer: A member must be in good standing (dues up to date) as of the day of the contest. In fact, they can pay in person at the convention if necessary. Although online payment is greatly preferred, we can make arrangements with District Secretary to accept such a payment.
Answer: In July 2016, the presentation judging category became PERFORMANCE. Please go here to download the new category description: http://www.barbershop.org/files/PER%20details.pdf There is also an excellent video that discusses the change, please be sure and watch the video at the following location: http://www.barbershop.org/competitions/contest-judging-system/
Answer: No, there is no qualification necessary for Quartet to enter the Fall District contest.
Answer: Yes, All Choruses must “qualify” for the fall District contest. The 8 highest scoring choruses from the previous fall contest receive an automatic invitation to the next Fall Contest. The 4 highest scoring choruses at the Spring Convention are then invited to compete at the Fall contest.
Answer: A Chorus may only compete once during any contest weekend. If a chorus wishes to compete in the Audience Choice Entertainment Award contest and any other Chorus contest, they must include their 2 contest songs as part of their 12 minute performance package. The songs to be scored for competition must be designed in advance to the DRCJ or Contest Administrators. The Audience Choice Entertainment package requires a minimum of 1 song to be non-contestable.
Answer: NO, the Spring contest as of 2017 is a District Level contest. All Division contests take place as part of the Fall and Spring District contests.
Answer: YES, Both District contests from a quartet perspective are independent contests. Neither requires a qualification to enter and each includes discrete contests. Contests in the Fall do not occur in the Spring and Contests in the Spring do not occur in the Fall.
Answer: YES! Any chorus may enter the Spring contest. If eligible, they may enter the Small Chorus contest. If desired, they may enter the Audience Choice Entertainment contest. If they would like to be scored and receive an evaluation in advance of the International chorus competition or in preparation for the Fall District Chorus contest, they may enter the Scores for Evaluation Only contest (sub-session). In accordance with SWD contest rules, their scores will not be published according to SWD contest rules.
Answer: NO, any Chorus who has received an invitation to the next Fall District Chorus contest does not need to compete in the Spring Contest,but is welcome to compete if they wish to receive a score and an evaluation - especially if they are planning to compete in the International Convention the following July.
Answer: BHS recently created a new membership category and those members do not belong to a Chapter or District. Those members wishing to compete in choruses or quartets, must be a member of District. Frank Thorne is an acceptable District.
Answer: Yes, Should a chorus decline an invitation to the District Chorus Contest prior to the opening of registration for Spring Convention; the next highest scoring Chorus from the previous Fall District Chorus Contest will be invited. Should a chorus decline an invitation following the Spring Convention or win the BHS International Chorus Championship and therefore become ineligible to compete in the Fall District Chorus contest for the next 2 years, the next highest scoring chorus from the Spring Convention will be invited. If a chorus withdraws within 30 days of the Fall District Chorus Contest, they will not be replaced.
Answer: The small chorus contest is for open to any chorus who performs with 22 members or less on stage (less director), has not won the Small Chorus contest the previous year (winner may not win in consecutive years) and did not qualify to compete at the International Chorus contest in the same year of the Small Chorus contest.
Answer: The Audience Choice Entertainment Award is given to the Chorus who receives the most votes from the Audience, based on the entertainment value of their performance package. The performance package must be in good taste and may not exceed 12 minutes (penalties apply – see SWD Contest Rules). There is no limit on the number of songs which may be performed, and the songs are not required to be BHS “contestable” songs, but the performance may not exceed 12 minutes. For choruses choosing to compete in either the Small Chorus contest or attempting to qualify for the Fall District Chorus contest, those choruses will include their 2 contest songs in their performance package and in those cases the performance package shall consist of a minimum of 3 songs.
Answer: For songs not currently on the chart list, there are instructions on the repertory page:
"If you have a new custom arrangement or parody - (or you can't find your chart despite your best efforts) - then you must send a copy of the sheet music or an image of the first page (with the title, arranger, composer and copyright info clearly visible) to charts@barberscore.com. Our datamaster will get the information into the system as quickly as possible -- usually in less than 24 hours -- and add it to your repertory for you. If this chart is private or exclusive for your group, please indicate as such in your email and we will mark it as "protected" in the Barberscore database."
Answer: While we do not yet have awards for Female and Mixed Choruses or Female Quartets, ALL are invited to "compete." At this time, "competing" is entering the "Score for Evaluation Only" part of the contest, where you receive a Score and an Evaluation (if desired). As we move forward, we are working on a proposal which will be presented to the SWD Board of Directors with the purpose of creating appropriate awards for ALL gender of choruses.
Answer: Only one convention registration is required to participate with as many contestants as you wish, subject to the rules of those contestants.