Barbershop Associations

TypeAbbr.Assoc. NameDescription
Subsidiary PROBE Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors


Subsidiary AHSOW Ancient and Harmonious Society of Woodshedders


Subsidiary AIC Association of International Champions


Subsidiary AISQC Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions


Subsidiary BQPA Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association Association of Traditional Barbershoppers in the USA & Canada.
Affiliate AAMBS Australian Association of Men's Barbershop Singers


Affiliate BABS British Association of Barbershop Singers


Affiliate BinG! Barbershop in Germany


Affiliate DABS Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers


Affiliate IABS Irish Association of Barbershop Singers


Affiliate NZABS New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers


Affiliate SNOBS Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers


Affiliate SPATS Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers


Allied Org. SAI Sweet Adelines International Women’s Barbershop worldwide. HQ :Tulsa, OK. Founded 1945.
Allied Org. HI Harmony, Incorporated Women’s Barbershop in North America. Founded 1959.
Allied Org. MHBQA Mixed-Harmony Barbershop Quartet Association Barbershop Quartets consisting of both men and women.
Allied Org. LADBS Holland Harmony (Ladies Association of Dutch Barbershop Singers) Women’s Barbershop in Holland.
Allied Org. LABBS Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers Women’s Barbershop in Great Britain.
Allied Org. CASA Contemporary A Cappella Society Contemporary (mostly non-Barbershop) a cappella harmony.
Allied Org. TB Tokyo Barbers


Allied Org. SAIREG10 Sweet Adelines International — Region 10 Great Gulf Coast Region 10 - Sweet Adelines International
Allied Org. SAIREG25 Sweet Adelines International — Region 25 Heart of America Region 25 - Sweet Adelines International