Type | Abbr. | Assoc. Name | Description |
Subsidiary | PROBE | Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors |
Subsidiary | AHSOW | Ancient and Harmonious Society of Woodshedders |
Subsidiary | AIC | Association of International Champions |
Subsidiary | AISQC | Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions |
Subsidiary | BQPA | Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association | Association of Traditional Barbershoppers in the USA & Canada. |
Affiliate | AAMBS | Australian Association of Men's Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | BABS | British Association of Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | BinG! | Barbershop in Germany |
Affiliate | DABS | Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | IABS | Irish Association of Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | NZABS | New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | SNOBS | Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers |
Affiliate | SPATS | Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers |
Allied Org. | SAI | Sweet Adelines International | Women’s Barbershop worldwide. HQ :Tulsa, OK. Founded 1945. |
Allied Org. | HI | Harmony, Incorporated | Women’s Barbershop in North America. Founded 1959. |
Allied Org. | MHBQA | Mixed-Harmony Barbershop Quartet Association | Barbershop Quartets consisting of both men and women. |
Allied Org. | LADBS | Holland Harmony (Ladies Association of Dutch Barbershop Singers) | Women’s Barbershop in Holland. |
Allied Org. | LABBS | Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers | Women’s Barbershop in Great Britain. |
Allied Org. | CASA | Contemporary A Cappella Society | Contemporary (mostly non-Barbershop) a cappella harmony. |
Allied Org. | TB | Tokyo Barbers |
Allied Org. | SAIREG10 | Sweet Adelines International — Region 10 | Great Gulf Coast Region 10 - Sweet Adelines International |
Allied Org. | SAIREG25 | Sweet Adelines International — Region 25 | Heart of America Region 25 - Sweet Adelines International |