Our Southwestern District Board has decided to make it easier and less costly for choruses in our district to get coaching. Below is important information on the Coaching Guild Program and how it works. The Guild is comprised of a group of individuals who have agreed to provide coaching for the Southwestern District barbershoppers. Some coaches charge a fee while others do not. That issue is between the coach and the chapter being coached. The Southwestern District will provide up to $500.00 to be applied to housing and/or transportation, but will not pay for a coaching fee. As you can see in the information below, a chorus may offer an honorarium to a coach if it wishes to do so, but the District itself will not pay a fee. The funds for this program are limited to a total of $5000.00 for the year. Choruses should contact the Coaching Guild Coordinator as early as possible to request that they be included in the year's coaching assignments. Read the details on the program below and if there are any questions, contact Bob Calderon at dir-mp@swd.org
The Coaching Guild for the Southwestern District is established to provide funding support for choruses to improve and expand their musical knowledge and performance abilities. The goal is to provide an educational experience by providing coaching from individuals in and outside of the District, at little or no cost to the chapters. The Coaching Guild initiative replaces the prior Coaching Reimbursement program.
Coaches may be selected by a chapter's musical leadership either from the list provided by the Coaching Guild or by past experience with a particular coach.
Chapters are eligible to receive up to $500.00 per year toward the expenses (not coaching fees) of a coach that was assigned through the Coaching Guild program. Chapters may have multiple coaches within the year until the $500.00 limit is expended. The annual SWD funding limit for this program is $5000.00.
Choruses may submit their coaching request for the year to be considered by the Coaching Guild Director. Consideration will be given to past coaching received and monies expended. Choruses may apply and their needs will be considered as funds are still available.
Choruses who receive coaching will be asked to provide a description of the benefits obtained from their coaching experience. Chorus evaluations of coaches will be considered when making future assignments.
There will be two articles annually in the Round Up, an article to be displayed on the SWD website on a continuing basis, and direct contact with chorus leaders from every SWD chorus. This will be made twice annually reminding them of the Guild.
The following are coaches who have agreed to coach in the Southwestern District. Once a chapter settles on a coach they wish to use, it is up to them to contact that coach and discuss dates, times and fee if applicable.