Vocal Majority Member and Companion Survive Hurricane Dorian
Russ Meinart and Linda Becker relate their personal encounter with Hurricane Dorian's force.…
Russ Meinart and Linda Becker relate their personal encounter with Hurricane Dorian's force.…
A message from the SWD President with a quick wrap-up video…
A poignant message from Vocal Majority's performance on Music and the Spoken Word.…
Six quartets and three choruses will show the BHS why SWD is the District of Champions…
We return to the UTSA Campus and DoubleTree Hotel in San Antonio…
Quartet members interviewed on competing for the first time at the July 2019 International Barbershop Harmony Society Convention in Salt Lake.…
Southwestern District Historian, Barbershopper Of The Year, Hall Of Fame Member will be missed by many…
42-year member recognized for outstanding volunteerism…
The chorus from Arlington, TX begins a city council meeting on a patriotic note.…
Rhinestones are first ever all-female group to join competition…