It seems a little strange to be writing 2020 on our correspondence but it is, after all, a new year and a new decade.  As with any new year, we should be looking forward to planning our schedules and making plans to accomplish our goals.

Your Southwestern District Board of Directors is doing just that, and we are all looking forward to some exciting activities which will create fun and enjoyment for all attendees.

First of all, I want to share some good news from our Treasurer, Dwayne Cooper.  We came through 2019 with a strong financial showing.  I am pleased to report that the SWD operated at a profit which makes our 2020 planning much easier 

Looking forward into the year, plans are underway for our next Spring Convention to be held in San Antonio on May 1st and 2nd.  It will be held again on the downtown campus of University of Texas, San Antonio and the host hotel will be the Hilton Double Tree.  Information for registering for all participants and attendees will be coming in a couple of weeks.

One exciting new program that is in the planning stages for this year is a new and improved Barberpolooza Festival tentatively scheduled to be held in Bryan, Texas on a Saturday in late August.  Several area choruses and quartets will be invited to come enjoy the fun and fellowship that this event will provide.  Additionally, plans are underway to conduct a Master Directors Workshop on the Friday before the Barberpalooza event.  And, we’re looking at setting up coaching clinics with members of the Quartet Coaching Association sometime on Friday or Saturday morning.  This is a no cost, no competition fun time for all.  More details will be coming soon.

Then, of course, we will hold the SWD Fall Convention again this year at the DFW Hyatt Regency.  The dates are Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3.  In a few weeks we have an exciting announcement to make about that weekend.  Stay tuned. Please plan to attend.  You won’t want to miss this one!

Richard Howell
Southwestern District