Over the years the San Antonio Chordsmen, Heart of Texas Chorus and San Antonio Marcsmen joined the gathering and enjoyed each other's company and made new friends as the choruses honored members for their services during the past year and jointly installed their officers. This year the evening was made even more festive when a new Chapter, Friends in Harmony, joined in. Overall attendance was over 200.
The evening is designed largely as a special evening for the ladies of the chorus members with formal dress, a five course meal, background music during dinner and lots of singing. The men love singing with so many of their friends and the chords produced are fantastic! For many of the ladies it is their only night of barbershopping during the year, so the program includes a super local quartet that puts on a show and allows everyone to see why we all love ringing chords so much.
The choruses always invite distinguished guests from the local barbershop community to include key Sweet Adelines so everyone can exchange ideas and get to know one another better. In fact, it has worked out so well that the local Sweet Adelines chapter holds their annual installation dinner and awards ceremony at the same club with the same guy helping with the arrangements and arranging base entrance.
The dinner has always been fun, a great night out, and a super opportunity to thank the ladies for their support. This year the dinner was especially notable as we were joined by the Society CEO, Marty Monson, who provided inspiring remarks and installed the officers. Marty was able to stay over the weekend and hosted key members of each chapter in a discussion session on Sunday afternoon. On Monday night he visited the new Friends in Harmony Chapter. Many of the ideas we discussed on Sunday are being implemented as this article is being written, and are bringing the 5 local chapters even closer together in cooperation and mutual support.
The dinner is an institution in San Antonio and is always well supported. Marty's attendance made it extra special this year and the evening is one those attending will never forget.