FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020 - 6:30 PM (ET)
As you know, this moment is a rough one for us barbershoppers, and we feel that bringing the community a live show in this moment, for FREE, is one way we can give back to those who have given so much for us champs over the years. 
Some have expressed concerns about safety, and rest assured, the safety protocols we have in place for this show are quite extensive and will be done in a way where all the quartets will be safe. There will be no audience, so that’s the biggest area of concern. Outside of that, the show is going to be arguably one of the most impressive presentations the AIC has ever had, with throw backs to older quartets, with never before seen footage of Bluegrass and Suntones, and then live performances from the current quartets
Our hope is that we can give a gift to all of our chapters, quartets, and members across our great society, and that’s the gift of hope that one day we will all be singing together again. 
Click here to register for this ABSOLUTELY FREE event!
In harmony, 
Tim Broersma,
Realtime Quartet - 2005