Dwayne Cooper Selected as SWD 2020 Barbershopper of the Year
(Click the photo to see a video of the presentation)
(Photos and video provided by Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman)
By Rocky Willett
Southwestern District Director of Marketing and PR
The 2020 Southwestern District Barbershopper of the Year went to Dwayne Cooper on Saturday, June 5 at Haggard Park in Plano, TX.
It started as another great Saturday morning rehearsal for the newly named Legacy of Harmony chorus. Dwayne was enjoying singing with fellow Barbershoppers but thought it unusual that his family wanted to go to rehearsal with him. Dwayne was even more suspicious when several former BOTY recipients along with the 2019 BOTY awardee, Ron Rehus, came walking up to rehearsal.
Suspicions turned to joy as Ron Rehus presented Dwayne with the 2020 BOTY award.
On receiving the award, Dwayne said “Thank you all so much! It’s definitely a surprise. Today before rehearsal our chapter Secretary, Michael Sartor, handed me my (Barbershop Harmony Society) membership card that had 45 years on it. And in 45 years, I’ve been lucky enough to meet a lot of friends. It’s been an honor to be a Barbershopper. I must mention my wife, Barbara, for supporting me in this hobby over the years. Her father, Robert Moore, made it 46 years before he passed away. We’d hoped he would make it to 50 years, but hopefully I’ll make 50.”
“Thank you all for letting me sing with you. What an honor! Thank you so much!”