By Artie Dolt, Director, Friends In Harmony Chorus
Our Friends In Harmony chorus pulled off a spectacular "Flash Mob" at the jam-packed North Star Mall in San Antonio March 19th. I am constantly awed by the dedication and commitment of the guys in this special group. One of our members drove all the way from Kerrville, Texas to participate in this event! Our plan was to sing one song and then disperse into the crowd. The response was so positive, however, that we did a "Flash Encore!!!!" Many of the wives and families attended as well
I still can't believe that almost seventy guys showed up at 5:30 on a Saturday afternoon to make this happen. I'm also amused by the number of total strangers recording this performance on their cell phones. A number of barbershoppers from around the country have told me that they've always wanted to do this... JUST DO IT!!! We had a blast!
Click the photo below to see the video!