Illogical Extreme belts out "Hello My Baby" winning the Novice Quartet Contest sponsored by the Goodtimes Chorus in Arlington, Texas. 

People were singing and chords were ringing at the Novice Quartet Champion contest Tuesday night, August 7, sponsored by the Goodtimes Chorus from Arlington, Texas in their rehearsal facility at Epworth United Methodist Church.

The quartet “Illogical Extreme” emerged as the winner. Quartet members Aiden Gross, Kelemen Szabo, Sean Morgan and Eric Feldman also received the “Best Accessories” and “Best Dressed” awards.

The only requirement for the 14 quartets participating in the honorary challenge was that this event had to be the first competition for at least two of the quartet’s members. Audience participant, Brooks Harkey, was very proud of “Illogical Extreme” because he recruited all four members and received four “Man Of Note” awards from the Barbershop Harmony Society. Brooks said “Not only did they win the contest, but they also won the audience by 1,000 miles!”

Also performing were the the Goodtimes Chorus, Big D Chorus, Plano Men of Note and the Texas Tradition Chorus - a group of ladies from Burleson. Sweet Adelines quartet, Titanium, performed and served as the judges for the contest.

Tuesday night’s contest was the first to be held by the Goodtimes Chorus since 2012. “Last night we had four choruses, 150 participants and guests, and lots of great singing“ said event organizer, Ron Chafetz. “Let's do this again next year, and not wait another six years!”

Click the links below to see “Illogical Extreme” in action.


Illogical Extreme performing.

Illogical Extreme receiving awards.

Illogical Extreme encore.