The Houston Tidelanders Chorus Welcomes Ben May
The Houston Tidelanders Chorus is excited to announce the appointment of
Ben May as the Music Director. His first rehearsal was August 13.
In the interview process, Ben described why he wanted to be the Tidelanders’ Musical Director: “Since I “discovered” barbershop harmony in high school, I have loved the sound, the teamwork, and most importantly, the camaraderie that is present in tight-knit barbershop ensembles. I want to lead the Tidelanders, musically, because I hope to perpetuate, in whatever way I can, that tradition of brotherhood and unity. I want to help lead this chorus because I believe that choral music can and should bring our city, our nation, and our world closer together.” In other conversations, Ben has described himself as a Teacher, a Student, and a Competitor.
Ben is currently Director of Choral Activities at Brazosport College and expects to receive his Doctor of Musical Arts (Choral Conducting) in May 2019 from the University of Houston. His primary instructors are Betsy Cook Weber and Jeb Mueller. He also holds Music degrees from Westminster Choir College (Princeton, NJ) and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN).
He has directing experience at Brazosport College, University of Houston, Northwest Hills UMC (Austin), James Bowie HS (Austin), Westminster Choir College, Texas Music Festival, and Houston Symphony Chorus. He is a member of multiple National and Texas Music Education and Choral Directing organizations. He has sung in two Barbershop Choruses and competed with a Quartet.