2014 SWD barbershopper of the yearPhoto by David Wagner


By Bob Calderon, Director of Music and Performance, Southwestern District, BHS


At this year’s District Convention and Competition, the Barbershopper of the Year for 2014 was announced…Houston Tidelanders, Jim Halcarz!

In 2014, Jim was very active in promoting Barbershopping within his chapter as well as throughout the entire District. He served as Executive Vice President for his chapter and is currently serving in the position of President. He was instrumental in organizing four Young Men In Harmony events which garnered 500 kids and proved to be very popular with 14 educators who were in attendance.

Even with a budget reduction, in his position as Director of Chorus Director Development, he was able to obtain scholarships for four men to attend Director’s College in Nashville. He also conducted two Chorus Director Workshops Intensive, which impacted ten front line or second line directors.

In addition to these accomplishments in 2014, he was chair of the Awards Committee, was a major advisor on the re-organization of Harmony Ranch, and served on review committees of the Youth in Harmony Program, Young Guns, and our Southwestern District Website.

Congratulations, Barbershopper of the Year for 2014 …. JIM HALCARZ!!