On December 5th, Austin's Acappella Texas chorus had our annual Christmas show featuring our 2014 District Champions, Clutch, as well as Ringside, and the SAI quartet, Soundwise.  As a special bonus, Charlie Lotspeich, tenor of Clutch, brought his junior high quartet Polaris, who many of you saw at District.  They did a fabulous job and they came for FREE.  At the end of the show, Clay Mayo, board member for ATX and general good guy, made an appeal to the audience to consider making a contribution to Polaris, to help them get to Nashville this summer, to compete as the youngest ever, 'collegiate' quartet!!!  Ringside also made the decision to donate 100% of their CD sales that night toward helping Polaris.  The response was incredible.  Ringside sold about $450 worth of CDs that night (a record for us.... go figure) and the boys raised over $600 in straight donations, giving them over $1,000 to help send them to International!!!  

Best wishes to Polaris.  Acappella Texas is happy to have had a hand in helping these special young men!!

If you'd like to help Polaris get to Nashville, click their photo above to reach their Go Fund Me page and to see the performance at the SWD 2015 District Convention.