By Artie Dolt

Director, Friends In Harmony

My Friends,

It saddens me deeply to inform you of the passing Saturday morning of our Friend, George Westover.

George joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in the mid-1990’s while I was directing the San Antonio Chordsmen. I remember, with great amusement, his first performance with the chorus. Poor George was so nervous that several of his singing buddies expressed concern because his fierce trembling was shaking the risers! Who could guess from that beginning that George would go on to sing (and compete) in several choruses and several quartets… most notably “Kaliedescope” with our own Scooter Simmons and Mike Finn.

For a number of years, George (practically single-handedly) assured that the Hill Country Chorus in New Braunfels remained a viable entity in the barbershop community. It was George who conceptualized the idea of combining installation banquets with, at first, the Hill Country Chorus, the Chordsmen, and the Heart of Texas Chorus. Eventually, both the Marcsmen and our Friends In Harmony joined the mix. George and Karen worked tirelessly to make the evening an elegant affair for the members, their ladies, and invited guests. It’s impossible to guess how many hours of preparation were involved in making that event such a success!

George’s star in our hobby rose dramatically, and quickly. His many contributions to the Southwestern District were so vast that he was named SWD Barbershopper of the Year in 2011. In 2015, George was rightfully honored with an induction into the SWD Hall Of Fame!!!

In the formative years of our Friends In Harmony, I would often call George to get his opinion on some developing issue. If you knew George, you’d know that he was ALWAYS willing to offer his opinion… whether you wanted to hear it, or not! George was quick to chastise me if I hinted that I may introduce a song to the chorus that wasn’t in the realm of “pure barbershop.” He was a traditionalist, and I loved him for it.

It’s been difficult for many of us to watch George’s health deteriorate over the last year. It’s comforting to know that his suffering is over. Our prayers are lifted for sweet Karen and all of George’s family and friends. Rest in peace, dear Friend.

In harmony,


Memorial Service Information:

Aug. 15, 2018

Colonial Funeral Home

625 Kitty Hawk Rd.

Universal City, TX 78148


8:30 A.M - Visitation

9:30 A.M - Service

10:45 (approx.) Motorcade to Ft. Sam Houston Cemetery