Meet The Vocal Majority
On their way to compete for their 13th International Gold Medal, the Vocal Majority produces several videos about the men of this 40+ year-old Barbershop chorus.…
On their way to compete for their 13th International Gold Medal, the Vocal Majority produces several videos about the men of this 40+ year-old Barbershop chorus.…
Read the "Concho Capers" newsletter, produced by the Twin Mountain Tonesmen of San Angelo, Texas.…
The Vocal Majority performance enhances a powerful and emotional tribute to our nation's fallen military members.…
Tonesmen participate in three separate occasions honoring the memory of the fallen this Memorial Day.…
Tulsa barbershop quartet groups celebrated 79th anniversary of Barbershop Harmony Society with combined concert…
FIH Director Artie Dolt shares a note about their Saturday show.…
Four VM members share the power of music to comfort a family in need.…
The Big-D Chorus is very proud and excited to announce the hiring of its newest director, Mark Holdeman.…
Clutch, Southern Company, Show Piece and Signature qualified for Internationals!!!!!!…
Chorus director Matt Swann and Chapter President Travis Gidley accepted the charter.…